

Hardwood Supply

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(484) 354-8869

pets on newly refinished hardwood floors Refinishing damaged hardwood floors is much easier and less expensive than replacing them. Pets on newly refinished hardwood floors can cause damage. If you have pets, you’ll need to keep them off your refinished hardwood floors for a while to give the protective coating time to dry completely.

Why You Shouldn’t Allow Pets on Newly Refinished Hardwood Floors

Dogs and cats have sharp nails that can damage the finish on hardwood flooring, and even scratch the wood itself. If you have pets, you’ve most likely already seen how their claws can damage hardwood flooring. That’s probably at least part of the reason why you decided to have your floors refinished in the first place.

During the hardwood floor refinishing process, a protective finish is applied, but it needs time to dry. If people or pets walk on wood flooring that has just been refinished before the protective coating has had a chance to fully dry, the floors can be damaged, and you can wind up feeling that the money you spent on refinishing was wasted.

You should keep cats or dogs off your hardwood floors for about two days after they’re refinished. You should also trim your pets’ claws regularly to protect your wood flooring from scratches and gouges.

How to Keep Pets off Your Newly Refinished Hardwood Floors

If you have pets, plan ahead and figure out how to keep them away from your newly refinished wood floors. You might be able to close doors or use childproof gates to restrict your pets to areas that don’t have hardwood flooring. If that’s not possible due to your home’s layout, you might need to have your pets stay with a family member or friend or consider temporary boarding to protect your hardwood floors.

Get an Estimate for Hardwood Floor Refinishing

The team at Barbati Hardwood Flooring can refinish and revitalize your wood floors. If you have pets, you’ll need to find a way to keep them off the hardwood floors to give the protective finish enough time to dry.

Having hardwood floors refinished can be inconvenient, but we get the job done as quickly as possible. We have the training and experience necessary to work efficiently without cutting corners. We also take care to protect furniture from dust and clean up at every stage of the process. Contact us today at (484)354-8869 to get a quote.

Please note that we are open and providing our regular services. Our team is following CDC guidelines to ensure the safety of our customers. We look forward to serving you.
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